The Bridge
Catering for all teachers and students, regardless of their knowledge or experience of online gaming.
The Bridge follows the animated journey of a young person who becomes increasingly drawn into the online gaming world. Students explore this young person’s journey from fun, healthy gaming to unhealthy gaming – risking all they treasure, including their relationships and personal wellbeing.
The Bridge provides detailed lesson plans, activity guides and background information, plus simple explanations of key terms and concepts.
- Animated videos to engage students in a child’s online gaming journey
Engaging discussion starters
Fun kinaesthetic learning activities
Strategies for managing gaming and keeping kids safe
- Detailed lesson plans with all lessons linked to Victorian curriculum domains (levels 5 and 6)
Empower young people to think critically about online games, recognise signs of harmful gaming behaviour, and develop strategies to manage their activities.
Equip educators with the knowledge, resources and tools to support young people to develop positive online gaming habits.
Modules 1-4
The Bridge has four modules designed to be taught in consecutive order. Each module builds on knowledge and skills learnt previously. By working through each of the four modules, students and teachers will learn how:
- games play tricks to keep us playing longer and spending more
- gaming affects the brain making it hard to stop
- excessive gaming can affect our health and wellbeing
- elements such as loot boxes can lead to losses and familiarity with gambling mechanisms
- we can develop strategies to stay safe while gaming
Module 1
Explore effects of gaming on physiology, mental health and wellbeing.
Module 2
Explore how game design impacts playing, paying, and behaviours.
Module 3
Explore potential risks of ‘crossing the bridge’ from fun to excessive gaming.
Module 4
Develop personal strategies to keep gaming safe.
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